Sarah Allen


New Orleans, Louisiana

Biology & Sociology

Having to experience life in a community where necessities like education, healthcare, and job opportunity where ranked extremely low I gravitated towards healthcare. Seeing first hand the devastating effects that lack of resources and improper governmental focus had on people, resulted in me being motivated to aid in changes that would be life-changing and life-saving for people in these bad predicaments. I have personally took my journey down a path where my interest leans towards believing in the importance of the healing of internal wounds before the external ones. I am a big advocate for mental health and strive to change societal opinion on such a taboo topic.

I have volunteered with harm reduction coalitions creating safety kits and educating myself on the opposing side of the war on drugs, interned at hospitals getting to see how it is multiple different professions make a difference, and participated in nonprofits that aim for the same goals I have!

Whether it be due to ego or compassion; probably both, I have a big desire to make a lasting impact. Even if only one person is touched by my actions, it would be worth it!

Sarah Allen
Sarah Allen
“I love the community we have! Going to a prestigious school, I was personally worried about entering a cut-throat culture, especially being pre-health. But Cardea showed me that even though you may hold yourself to a high standard and desire great things for yourself, you can still hold those same feelings to those around you! Being in this community reminds me all the time, that aiding in the success of others does everything BUT hinder success of your own.”